A Franciscan moment amid UN debates

As the Human Rights Council debates ended for the day in the nearby United Nations buildings, Franciscans and close partners from diverse backgrounds headed to Franciscans International’s office in the summer evening: it was indeed time to pause, unite and celebrate our joint presence and work.

The commitment of grassroots Franciscans and some of their closest allies is at the heart of the celebration. They come from Mexico, El Salvador, Panama, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia to bring up the concerns of migrants, displaced persons, and other people suffering human rights violations to the UN.

They were joined by FI’s staff, the directors of the OFM Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation Office who visited from Rome, and by Franciscan groups from Switzerland and France, in a spirit of fraternity. An evening to break bread, share stories, and be inspired.

Alejandra Conde, from the Franciscan La72 migrant shelter in Mexico, summarizes it all: “It has been an experience that made me feel part of a family. The reception, the familiarity and the sharing between Franciscan sisters and brothers have filled me spiritually and strengthened the work we do with the Franciscan Network for Migrants – because it reinforces the feeling that we are not alone”.