Eight hundred years after Saint Francis composed the Canticle of Creatures, his writing continues to be deeply relevant– including at the United Nations. Already during his own lifetime, Francis grew concerned by the impacts that humans were having on the world around them. In offering his praise to the many dimensions of nature he witnessed around him, Francis also recognized their fragility. Today, as we try to preserve the world from the multiple and intersecting crises that threaten all of nature, his words resonate as a reminder of what is at stake.
This year, as we mark the 800th anniversary of the Canticle, the members of our International Board of Directors reflect on its different elements. We invite you to follow along as they explore what the Canticle can teach us, and how its message can inspire us as we work to protect human rights and the environment.

Brother Fire

Laudato Si’

Brother Wind

Brother Sun

Sister Mother Earth

Sister Death