Joint Stakeholders’ Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of Child
Issue: Child rights
HRC56 – Uganda
The Need for Greater and Coordinated Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons
A road to change in Benin
15 Years of Franciscan action at the grassroots and the United Nations
HRC53 – Guatemala
Item 6: Universal Periodic Review
HRC53 – Benin
Item 6: Universal Periodic Review
The impacts of logging on human rights in Solomon Islands
Key findings of October 2022 community visits
HRC52 – Right to a healthy environment
Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the environment
HRC51 – Mozambique
Item 4: General Debate
HRC51 – Indonesia
Item 2: General Debate on the report of the High Commissioner
HRC50 – Uganda
Item 6: Universal Periodic Review