Item 6: Universal Periodic Review
Issue: Environmental crises
Mining and human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Case study in the context of the adoption of a treaty on business and human rights
HRC36 – Climate change
Item 4: General Debate
UPR28 – Zambia
Joint Stakeholders’ Submission
The Disappearance of Kiribati: Options and solutions
Legal paper on the impacts of climate change
HRC33 – Climate change
Item 5: General Debate
HRC31 – Indonesia (West Papua)
Panel discussion on climate change and the right to health
HRC34 – Haiti
First-hand assessment of the human rights situation in Haiti
HRC31 – Nauru
Item 6: Universal Periodic Review
HRC28 – Business and human rights
Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the environment