Connecting the dots between human rights, sustainable development and climate policies
Issue: Extreme poverty
HRC37 – Sri Lanka
Item 6: Universal Periodic Review
HRC37 – Indonesia (West Papua)
Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on right to food
HRC36 – The Philippines
Item 6: Universal Periodic Review
HRC36 – Venezuela
Item 4: General debate
UPR26 – Haiti
Joint Stakeholders’ Submission
HRC34 – Haiti
First-hand assessment of the human rights situation in Haiti
Making Human Rights for People Living in Extreme Povery
Handbook for implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights
A Rights-Based Approach to Resource Extraction
Advocacy brief on a rights-based approach to resource extraction in the pursuit of sustainable development
Global: Development, sustainable for whom?
Reflections to understand contemporary challenges in development