Item 10: General Debate
Archives: Resources
Franciscan International Resources
HRC55 – Guatemala
Item 2: General Debate
HRC55 – United Kingdom
Item 4: General Debate
HRC55 – Business and human rights
Item 3: General Debate
HRC55 – Indonesia
Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on peaceful assembly and association
HRC55 – Business accountability
Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment
HRC55 – Sri Lanka
Item 2: General Debate
CCPR140 – Indonesia
Joint stakeholders’ submission to the Human Rights Committee
HRC55 – Sri Lanka
The need to ensure accountability for the 2019 Easter Sunday Attacks.
CESCR75 – Indonesia
Join stakeholders’ submission to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights