
Advocacy Interventions

As a non-governmental organization with ECOSOC status, Franciscans International is able to directly engage the United Nations in various ways.

You can access our advocacy interventions through this page.

Showing 73 - 78 of 379

  • HRC54 – The Philippines

    A side-event to explore avenues toward accountability for extrajudicial killings

  • Sri Lanka’s Flawed Plans for a ‘Truth Commission’

    An open letter by 9 international human rights organizations

  • Indonesia’s Candidacy for the Human Rights Council

    An open letter by 16 civil society and faith-based organizations

  • EMRIP16 – Militarization

    Item 3: Study and advice on the impact of militarization on the rights of Indigenous Peoples

  • HRC53 – Sri Lanka

    Item 6: Universal Periodic Review

Showing 73 - 78 of 379