
Advocacy Interventions

As a non-governmental organization with ECOSOC status, Franciscans International is able to directly engage the United Nations in various ways.

You can access our advocacy interventions through this page.

Showing 7 - 12 of 340

  • HRC56 – United Kingdom

    Human Rights Obligations on Migration and Asylum Seekers

  • HRC56 – Indonesia

    Human rights situation of internally displaced persons in West Papua

  • United Nations Liquidity Crisis

    Rights groups call on States to #PayYourDues

  • IGWG – Intersessional consultation

    Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights

  • HRC55 – Key outcomes and missed opportunities

    End of session statement

  • Free Daniel Frits Maurits Tangkilisan from All Unjust Accusations

    An open letter by 31 human rights organizations

Showing 7 - 12 of 340