
Advocacy Interventions

As a non-governmental organization with ECOSOC status, Franciscans International is able to directly engage the United Nations in various ways.

You can access our advocacy interventions through this page.

Showing 13 - 18 of 57

  • HRC49 – Brazil and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the environment

  • CEDAW81 – Uganda

    Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

  • Launch: Tearing Down the Walls

    Challenging myths about migration from a human rights perspective

  • HRC48 – Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Item 10: Clustered Interactive Dialogue

  • HRC48 – Cameroon

    Item 2: Oral Update by the High Commissioner for Human Rights

  • UPR40 – Uganda

    Joint Stakeholders’ Submission

Showing 13 - 18 of 57