
Advocacy Interventions

As a non-governmental organization with ECOSOC status, Franciscans International is able to directly engage the United Nations in various ways.

You can access our advocacy interventions through this page.

Showing 25 - 30 of 102

  • HRC50 – Haiti

    Item 6: Universal Periodic Review

  • HRC50 – Side event

    Patterns of human rights violations against migrants at the borders of the Americas

  • HRC50 – The Americas

    Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants

  • Covid-19 and Indigenous people

    Written submission to the Special Rapporteur on indigenous peoples

  • UNPFII21 – From Human Rights Due Diligence to Corporate Accountability

    Ensuring the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Showing 25 - 30 of 102