
Interventi di Advocacy

In quanto organizzazione non governativa con stato ECOSOC, Franciscans International è in grado d’interagire direttamente con le Nazioni Unite in vari modi. Puoi accedere ai nostri interventi di advocacy da questa pagina.

Mostra 1 - 6 di 365

  • IGWG10 – Closing Statement

    Delivered by the Feminists for a Binding Treaty

  • IGWG10 – Article 8: Legal Liability

    Joint statement with the Feminists for a Binding Treaty and FIAN International

  • IGWG10 – Article 6: Prevention

    Statement on behalf of the Feminists for a Binding Treaty

  • IGWG10 – Article 4: Rights of Victims

    Statement on behalf of the Feminists for a Binding Treaty

  • IGWG10 – Article 4: Rights of Victims

    Statement by FIAN International, ESCER Observatory, Franciscans International, Friends of the Earth, and Peace Brigades International

  • IGWG10 – Opening Statement

    Statement by ISHR, FORUM-ASIA, ESCR-Net, and Franciscans International

Mostra 1 - 6 di 365