
Advocacy Interventions

As a non-governmental organization with ECOSOC status, Franciscans International is able to directly engage the United Nations in various ways.

You can access our advocacy interventions through this page.

Showing 13 - 18 of 375

  • CRC100 – Uganda

    Joint Stakeholders’ Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of Child

  • COP29 – Interfaith Call to Action

    Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

  • Impose Arms Embargo and Sanctions on Israel Now

    Open letter by over 100 human rights organizations

  • HRC57 – The Philippines

    Item 10: General Debate

  • Annual Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security

    An open letter by 628 civil society organizations

  • IGWG10 – Postponement of 10th Session

    Open letter to the Permanent Mission of Ecuador

Showing 13 - 18 of 375