About Us

Our Vision

A global community in which

  • the dignity of every person is respected,
  • resources are shared equitably,
  • the environment is sustained,
  • and nations and peoples live in peace.

Our mission is to advocate at the United Nations for human dignity and environmental justice, using a rights-based approach.

Our ‘Strategic Orientations from 2021 onward’ detail how we work towards achieving our vision and mission.

Our Impact

Franciscans International addresses the root causes of injustices by bringing cases of discrimination and violence committed against individuals and groups living on the margins to the attention of the international community.

We work to influence UN decisions and standard-setting processes. To make a unique contribution, we rely on:

  • Our strong ties with Franciscans and their civil society allies who work at the grassroots with marginalized communities.
  • A professional staff and over 30-year expertise in bringing testimonies to the UN, where we translate these into effective strategic interventions to hold States and other actors accountable for policies and practices that are harming human rights.

Using a rights-based approach, we advocate at the UN for the protection of human dignity and environmental justice in order to:

  1. Bring attention to underreported or urgent situations – when people suffer from harmful policies and actions, we expose these to protect victims, combat impunity, and prevent the situation from deteriorating further.
  2. Hold governments accountable and demand changes in policies and practices – we use the UN legal and political framework to prompt States to justify their actions and change their policies and practices to improve the lives of affected communities.
  3. Strengthen the work of Franciscans and other partners at the grassroots – we help to build capacity at the grassroots and foster connections between allies so that they can join forces in their struggle for justice.

Our Impact

Franciscans International addresses the root causes of injustices by bringing cases of discrimination and violence committed against individuals and groups living on the margins to the attention of the international community.

We work to influence UN decisions and standard-setting processes. To make a unique contribution, we rely on:

  • Our strong ties with Franciscans and their civil society allies who work at the grassroots with marginalized communities.
  • A professional staff and over 30-year expertise in bringing testimonies to the UN, where we translate these into effective strategic interventions to hold States and other actors accountable for policies and practices that are harming human rights.

Using a rights-based approach, we advocate at the UN for the protection of human dignity and environmental justice in order to:

  1. Bring attention to underreported or urgent situations – when people suffer from harmful policies and actions, we expose these to protect victims, combat impunity, and prevent the situation from deteriorating further.
  2. Hold governments accountable and demand changes in policies and practices – we use the UN legal and political framework to prompt States to justify their actions and change their policies and practices to improve the lives of affected communities.
  3. Strengthen the work of Franciscans and other partners at the grassroots – we help to build capacity at the grassroots and foster connections between allies so that they can join forces in their struggle for justice.

How We Work

Franciscans International is a bridge between the grassroots and decision makers at the United Nations.

With our support, the concerns of Franciscans and the people they work with are brought to the attention of the international community. Together, we then use the outcomes at the UN to influence and change international and national laws and policies.

Understanding the problem

The cornerstone of our work is reliable and verified information. Driven by the needs of Franciscans working at the grassroots, together we collect and assess testimonies of alleged human rights violations and abuses. We also analyze the underlying causes and gaps that allow them to occur.

We strengthen the capacity of Franciscans and their partners to document these situations. We also support them to develop strategies and build alliances to address the problems they face. To further reinforce our joint work, FI conducts regular country visits and undertakes direct research if needed.

Translating and amplifying

Our core expertise is to translate information from the grassroots into legal and political interventions that prompt diplomats and UN experts to act. With offices in Geneva and New York, we host Franciscans and other partners to directly engage with key decision makers.

Thanks to our General Consultative Status we can directly intervene during UN deliberations, including those of its human rights mechanisms. Often, we join forces with other organizations and coalitions working toward the same goals.

Building on advocacy outcomes

We analyze resolutions, reports, and recommendations by UN bodies and experts to determine how they can be best used to influence governments to bring about positive change in their practices, policies, and laws. Together with our partners, we update our strategies for long-term action. Oftentimes, this will include going back to the UN to try and further strengthen its position.

Follow-up on UN decisions

Our work is not a one-way street to Geneva and New York. We translate decisions of the international community back into concrete strategies with Franciscans and their partners.

We then help them to build strong networks with local allies and authorities to follow-up on relevant UN decisions and make sure that these can translate into concrete changes.

Through our workshops and publications, we also help to make UN decisions understandable and actionable for Franciscans and others standing up for human rights.

Networks and coalitions

FI works closely with other civil society and faith-based organizations, through both formal and informal collaborations. Among others, we are part of the following global networks and coalitions:

How We Work

Franciscans International is a bridge between the grassroots and decision makers at the United Nations.

With our support, the concerns of Franciscans and the people they work with are brought to the attention of the international community. Together, we then use the outcomes at the UN to influence and change international and national laws and policies.

Understanding the problem

The cornerstone of our work is reliable and verified information. Driven by the needs of Franciscans working at the grassroots, together we collect and assess testimonies of alleged human rights violations and abuses. We also analyze the underlying causes and gaps that allow them to occur.

We strengthen the capacity of Franciscans and their partners to document these situations. We also support them to develop strategies and build alliances to address the problems they face. To further reinforce our joint work, FI conducts regular country visits and undertakes direct research if needed.

Translating and amplifying

Our core expertise is to translate information from the grassroots into legal and political interventions that prompt diplomats and UN experts to act. With offices in Geneva and New York, we host Franciscans and other partners to directly engage with key decision makers.

Thanks to our General Consultative Status we can directly intervene during UN deliberations, including those of its human rights mechanisms. Often, we join forces with other organizations and coalitions working toward the same goals.

Building on advocacy outcomes

We analyze resolutions, reports, and recommendations by UN bodies and experts to determine how they can be best used to influence governments to bring about positive change in their practices, policies, and laws. Together with our partners, we update our strategies for long-term action. Oftentimes, this will include going back to the UN to try and further strengthen its position.

Follow-up on UN decisions

Our work is not a one-way street to Geneva and New York. We translate decisions of the international community back into concrete strategies with Franciscans and their partners.

We then help them to build strong networks with local allies and authorities to follow-up on relevant UN decisions and make sure that these can translate into concrete changes.

Through our workshops and publications, we also help to make UN decisions understandable and actionable for Franciscans and others standing up for human rights.

Networks and coalitions

FI works closely with other civil society and faith-based organizations, through both formal and informal collaborations. Among others, we are part of the following global networks and coalitions:

  • Blair Matheson TSSF

    Blair Matheson TSSF

  • Budi Tjahjono

    Budi Tjahjono

    International Advocacy Director
    International Advocacy Director
  • Cédric Chatelanat

    Cédric Chatelanat

    Institutional Development Manager
    Institutional Development Manager
  • Cynthia Bringollet

    Project Management and Communications Associate
    Project Management and Communications Associate
  • Lourdes Briones

    Lourdes Briones

    Finance and Human Resources Officer
    Finance and Human Resources Officer
  • James Donegan OFMCap

    James Donegan OFMCap

    Liaison Officer
    Liaison Officer
  • Marya Farah

    Marya Farah

    Representative at the UN in New York
    Representative at the UN in New York
  • Thomas Kleinveld

    Thomas Kleinveld

  • Gyan Kothari

    Asia-Pacific Program Coordinator
    Asia-Pacific Program Coordinator
  • Eunan McMullan OFM

    Europe Program Coordinator
    Europe Program Coordinator
  • Panuga Pulenthiran

    Africa Program Coordinator
    Africa Program Coordinator
  • Olivia Solari Yrigoyen

    Americas Program Coordinator
    Americas Program Coordinator
  • Blair Matheson TSSF

    Blair Matheson TSSF

  • Cédric Chatelanat

    Cédric Chatelanat

    Institutional Development Manager
    Institutional Development Manager
  • Lourdes Briones

    Lourdes Briones

    Finance and Human Resources Officer
    Finance and Human Resources Officer
  • Marya Farah

    Marya Farah

    Representative at the UN in New York
    Representative at the UN in New York
  • Gyan Kothari

    Asia-Pacific Program Coordinator
    Asia-Pacific Program Coordinator
  • Panuga Pulenthiran

    Africa Program Coordinator
    Africa Program Coordinator
  • Budi Tjahjono

    Budi Tjahjono

    International Advocacy Director
    International Advocacy Director
  • Cynthia Bringollet

    Project Management and Communications Associate
    Project Management and Communications Associate
  • James Donegan OFMCap

    James Donegan OFMCap

    Liaison Officer
    Liaison Officer
  • Thomas Kleinveld

    Thomas Kleinveld

  • Eunan McMullan OFM

    Europe Program Coordinator
    Europe Program Coordinator
  • Olivia Solari Yrigoyen

    Americas Program Coordinator
    Americas Program Coordinator
  • Michael Perry OFM

    Michael Perry OFM

    Order of Friars Minor
    Order of Friars Minor
  • Joseph Blay OFMConv

    Joseph Blay OFMConv

    Order of Friars Minor Conventual
    Order of Friars Minor Conventual
  • Benedict Ayodi OFMCap

    Order of Friars Minor Capuchin
    Order of Friars Minor Capuchin
  • José Eduardo Jazo Tarín TOR

    José Eduardo Jazo Tarín TOR

    Third Order Regular
    Third Order Regular
  • Charity Lydia Katongo Nkandu SFMA

    Charity Lydia Katongo Nkandu SFMA

    International Franciscan Conference of the Third Order Regular
    International Franciscan Conference of the Third Order Regular
  • Carolyn D. Townes OFS

    Carolyn D. Townes OFS

    Secular Franciscan Order
    Secular Franciscan Order
  • Christopher John SSF

    Society of Saint Francis
    Society of Saint Francis
  • Blair Matheson TSSF

    Blair Matheson TSSF

    Executive Director
    Executive Director
  • Michael Perry OFM

    Michael Perry OFM

    Order of Friars Minor
    Order of Friars Minor
  • Benedict Ayodi OFMCap

    Order of Friars Minor Capuchin
    Order of Friars Minor Capuchin
  • Charity Lydia Katongo Nkandu SFMA

    Charity Lydia Katongo Nkandu SFMA

    International Franciscan Conference of the Third Order Regular
    International Franciscan Conference of the Third Order Regular
  • Christopher John SSF

    Society of Saint Francis
    Society of Saint Francis
  • Joseph Blay OFMConv

    Joseph Blay OFMConv

    Order of Friars Minor Conventual
    Order of Friars Minor Conventual
  • José Eduardo Jazo Tarín TOR

    José Eduardo Jazo Tarín TOR

    Third Order Regular
    Third Order Regular
  • Carolyn D. Townes OFS

    Carolyn D. Townes OFS

    Secular Franciscan Order
    Secular Franciscan Order
  • Blair Matheson TSSF

    Blair Matheson TSSF

    Executive Director
    Executive Director