The International Board of Directors (IBD) of Franciscans International and representatives of our staff recently met with Secretary-General António Guterres in New York, marking 30 years since the organization was officially recognized by the United Nations.

During the meeting Mr. Guterres expressed his appreciation for the work of Franciscans International, noting the overlap of United Nations and Franciscan values in their aim to eradicate poverty, combat climate change, and promote peace. He also stressed the important role of civil society in an international context where multilateral cooperation is increasingly under threat.

The IBD used the opportunity to highlight the work done by Franciscans International to connect the dots between advocacy at the UN level and the challenges faced by people at the grassroots. This included a toolbox by UNICEF, which recently cited our work with Franciscains-Benin to fight ritual infanticide as a best practice.

The board also expressed its concern about reprisals against Franciscan sisters and brothers in Central America and the Philippines, who have been repeatedly threatened because of their human rights work.

The meeting closed with Mr. Guterres expressing his support for the future work of Franciscans International.

On 18 October 2019, States gathered in a working group concluded their annual week of negotiations at the United Nations in Geneva towards the elaboration of a future treaty. Such an international human rights agreement will contribute to a better protection of human rights of individuals and communities affected by business activities, including those of powerful transnational companies such as in the mining sector.

As there are strong political and economic interests against such a future treaty, the way towards its adoption is still long. Nevertheless, at this year ‘s session, States engaged for the first time in technical and substantial discussions on the content of the future treaty. Elaborating on the work in past years, Franciscans International set out to actively engage in the session by providing input, commentary, and analysis together with other civil society partners. Our aim is to ensure that any future international agreement will address the gaps and obstacles that victims of human rights abuses face.

We supported a public event at the margin of the session highlighting the importance of including a gender-perspective in a future treaty to ensure the protection of the rights of women, which are particularly vulnerable to abuses committed by corporations. During a second event, Franciscans International and its partners provided a platform for testimonies from the Amazon region. Based on cases presented by human rights defenders from Bolivia and Brazil, Professor Olivier de Schutter explored how the current draft text of the treaty could be applied to obtain justice for the victims.

Although Franciscans International welcomed the progress made during the session of the working group this year, we also voiced our concern about the limited time available for negotiations. We therefore called on the working group to continue its work, including through intersessional negotiations and consultations ahead of the 6th session in October 2020.

Franciscans International is very proud that two of its partners have been elevated to Cardinals by Pope Francis.

Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu OFM Cap, Archbishop of Kinshasa started working with FI when he was President of the Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation of the Capuchin order. Later, when he became Bishop and President of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Episcopal Conference of DR Congo, he continued working with FI especially with a focus on the exploitation of minerals in his country. He sees his elevation to Cardinal as a recognition by the Pope of efforts to give voice to the suffering people.

Cardinal Alvaro Ramazzini, Bishop of the Diocese of Huehuetenango recently worked together with FI at the United Nations and testified how people in Guatemala have been negatively affected by the impact of extractive industries.

Franciscans International wishes God’s blessings on these two new Cardinals and hopes that their elevation may strengthen their voice to defend the rights and dignity of those who are excluded.

FI delivered statements on the right to water and enforced disappearances, as well as on the human rights situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Philippines, and West Papua.

Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights to water and sanitation (9 September 2019)

Franciscans International raised the situation of the Rosario Champerico Retalhuleu community in Guatemala. Here, large scale agricultural and industrial projects have depleted traditional wells, affecting hospitals, schools, and other public spaces.

Full statement here (Spanish)

Item 2: General Debate on the Oral Update by the High Commissioner (10 September 2019)

Franciscans International voiced its concern on the increased attacks against civil society, journalists, and indigenous and religious leaders in the Philippines since the Human Rights Council adopted Resolution 41/2, which asks the High Commissioner to report on the human rights situation in the country.

Full statement

Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on enforced or involuntary disappearances and the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence (11 September 2019)

Sri Lanka failed to submit its initial report to the Committee on Enforced Disappearances in June 2018 and thereby missed an opportunity to share its own assessment on the progress in addressing this issue. Franciscans International and IMADR call on the Council to hold the government accountable to the commitments toward transitional justice it made in Resolution 30/1.

Full statement

Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention (17 September 2019)

Since 19 August 2019, violent protests have been ranging across the provinces of Papua and West Papua, sparked by video footage of Indonesian security officials calling indigenous students derogatory and racists names. Instead of engaging in a dialogue, authorities have responded by deploying over 6,000 troops and shutting down internet access in the area. In an joint oral statement, Franciscans International urges the Indonesian government to respect the rights of protestors and human rights defenders and engage in a political dialogue to allow for a non-violent and sustainable solution to the long lasting conflict in the provinces.

Full statement

Item 6: Universal Periodic Review (19 September 2019)

Under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), the human rights situation in each of the 193 UN member states is reviewed every five years. These reviews are based on a national report prepared by the state, a compilation of UN information by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and a summary of information received from other stakeholders. During the adoption of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s review, FI raised issues concerning good governance, management of natural resources, and women’s and girls’ rights.

Full statement (French)

During 42nd session of the Human Rights Council, we will organize and co-sponsor a number of side-events to discuss key thematic and country specific issues, including the rights to water and sanitation, and the human rights situations in the Philippines and Indonesia.

The Human Rights Crisis in the Philippines
• 11 September 2019 • 12.00 – 13.00 • Room XXII, Palais des Nations

Since the start of the so-called “war on drugs” by the current government of the Philippines, the human rights situation in the country has deteriorated dramatically. The Philippines Commission of Human Rights estimates that over 27,000 people have been killed since 2016, either by police of vigilantly groups. Critical voices – including human rights defenders, journalists, and religious and indigenous leaders – have faced reprisals and now work in a context where democratic space is increasingly limited.

In July 2019, the Human Rights Council responded to the situation by adopting Resolution 41/2, which requests the High Commissioner to prepare a comprehensive report that will be presented during the Council’s 44th session. During his side-event, grassroots human rights defenders will provide an update on the situation on the ground, focusing on the period after the adoption of Resolution 41/2.

The impact of megaprojects on the human rights to water and sanitation
• 12 September 2019 • 10.00 – 11.00 • Room IV, Palais des Nations

Megaprojects are often linked to human rights violations. From the lack of free, prior and informed consent to long-lasting environmental impacts, the consequences for the enjoyment of human rights are visible and recurrent.

In order to prevent and mitigate the risks arising from such projects and to ensure compliance with human rights, the Special Rapporteur on safe drinking water and sanitation is introducing a megaproject cycle framework for the realization of these human rights, consisting of seven stages, each of them entailing impacts on access to water and sanitation, challenges and enabling factors to realize the human rights to water and sanitation.

This side-event will provide an opportunity to discuss the findings of the Special Rapporteur ahead of the official presentation of his report to the General Assembly and explore key developments in human rights law based on testimonies from Colombia, Guatemala, and Zambia.

With Sustainable Development Goal 13 (climate action), the global community affirmed its commitment to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact. However, its is paramount in this process that the unequal distribution of these negative impacts is addressed.

During a side-event in New York, we were joined by Willy Missack from Vanuatu – where the consequences of the climate crisis are already felt on a daily basis – to share experiences for implementing inclusive national plans to combat climate change.

You can find a recording of the full discussion on UNTV.

This side-event was co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Ecuador and Fiji, as well as by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

As part of the celebrations to mark its thirty-year presence at the United Nations, the Conference of the Franciscan Family (CFF) organized a gathering on 16 July in the Auditorium Antonianum in Rome.

Themed ‘Memory and Prophecy’, the event brought together over 90 sisters and brothers to reflect on the accomplishments of the past three decades as well as the challenges and opportunities ahead. 

The keynote address was delivered by Br. Michael Perry, Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor. Tracing the history of Franciscans International (FI), he acknowledged the particular contributions of the late Sr. Elizabeth Cameron OSF, and Br. Dionysius Minthoff OFM – who, at age 88, continues to work with vulnerable migrants in Malta.

Their conviction that Franciscan spirituality and ethics shared many common values with the founding charter of the United Nations ultimately lead to the establishment of FI as the first ever common ministry on the international and intra-familial scale in the history of the Franciscan movement.

Looking toward the future, Br. Michael emphasized a dichotomy in the modern world, where people are simultaneously becoming more connected and disconnected resulting in an rise of political, economic, social, and cultural exclusion. Quoting Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si, Br. Michael reaffirmed the strong commitment of the CFF and FI to care for the poor, promote peace, and protect and preserve our common home, the planet.

Read his full remarks in English or Italian

Br. Michael was joined by two long term regional partners of FI from Mexico and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Sr. Diana Muñoz Alba FMM and director of the Bethany Santa Martha migrant shelter, recounted the story of Wendy, one of the first migrants she encountered – a powerful testimony that reminds us there is always a human face behind migration. 

Wendy was kidnapped and abused at age 11 by the Marcos in Honduras, but ultimately managed to escape with her children after nearly 16 years of captivity. After a perilous journey to Mexico was welcomed at Casa Bethany Santa Martha. Yet despite reaching the safety of the shelter, she was later forced to return to Honduras after her family received death threats by her captors. She has not been heard from since.

Sr. Diana also highlighted the importance of international solidarity for her and her fellow sisters, who have repeatedly been threatened for their work. “It is crucial at this time to have the support of Franciscans International, and to raise awareness of the situation that those welcoming migrants in their homes in Mexico are facing,” she said.

Read her full remarks in Spanish

Mgr. Fridolin Ambonga OFMCap and Archbishop of Kinshasa, has played a prominent role in mediating political disputes in the DRC. Starting in 2016, scheduled presidential elections in the country were repeatedly postponed, raising tensions and occasionally sparking violence. Through its strong engagement and moral appeal, the Conférence Épiscopale Nationale du Congo (CENCO) managed to facilitate a dialogue that, in December 2018, led to the first peaceful transition of power since the country’s independence in 1960. Throughout this process, Mgr. Ambongo and his colleagues worked with Franciscans International at the Unite Nations to advocate for international support for an inclusive and transparent electoral process.

During his address, Mgr. Ambonga elaborate on his inspiration derived from the Gospels. “Without falling into historical-theological disputes over the reasons for the death sentence of Jesus, we know with certainty that Jesus died also because of his struggle for justice,” he said. “As long as there is any form of injustice in society, His memory cannot leave his disciples indifferent and inert.”

Read his full remarks in Italian

Br. Markus Heinze OFM and Executive Directory of Franciscans International, also paid tribute to the memory of Sr. Crescencía Lucero SFIC, who was meant to take part in the celebrations but passed away on 15 May 2019. Throughout her life, Sr. Cres worked as a tireless advocate for human rights in the Philippines and throughout Asia-Pacific. Together with Franciscans International she conducted yearly workshops to build the capacity of the Franciscan Family and other civil society partners. Sr. Cres traveled to Geneva most recently in 2017, where she denounced the devastating impact that President Duterte’s so-called ‘war on drugs’ has had on the Philippines.

The gathering concluded with a celebratory receptions where attendees had the opportunity to meet the speakers, mingle, and further discuss the work of FI and the CFF.

Throughout 2019, we are hosting a number of events to celebrate the accomplishments of the past three decades, call attention to the many challenges we still face, and share the roots of our organization.

Franciscans International delivered oral statements on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Japan, Sri Lanka, climate change, human trafficking, migration, and reprisals.

Item 2: General Debate (25 June 2019)
In a join statement Fr. Ashok Stephen expressed condolences to the victims of the Easter Sunday terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka as well as solidarity with the Muslim communities that have been subjected to reprisals, hostility, suspicion, and discrimination in its aftermath. He warned that the bombings cannot be used as an excuse to further delay reconciliation, justice, and accountability for alleged war crimes committed during the country’s civil war and called on the Council to continue to strengthen its engagement with Sri Lankan authorities.

Full statement

Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on migrants (25 June 2019)
Sister Diana Muñoz FMM, Director of the Betania Santa Martha shelter, called attention to the alarming increase in the number of migrant women and children arriving in Mexico, often under perilous conditions.

Full statement (Spanish)

Item 3: Clustered interactive dialogue with Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons (27 June 2019)
Using the emblematic case of Adelina Sau, who was killed in February 2018 by her employer, this joint statement highlighted the issue of trafficking, inhumane treatment, and exploitation of migrant workers from Indonesia in Malaysia.

Full statement

Item 3: General Debate (1 July)
In a joint statement, Franciscans International voiced its regret that the Government of Japan failed to submit follow-up information to the Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression on the implementation of recommendations made previously. We also highlighted several cases of concern that have been reported in the country.

Full statement

Item 4: General Debate (3 July)
Franciscans International expressed its grave concern that the President of Sri Lanka recently signed four death warrants, after a 43-year moratorium. This situation is confounded by serious deficiencies in the country’s justice system, which increase the possibility of a wrongful conviction. The statement also denounced reprisals against refugees in the aftermath of the Easter Sunday terrorist bombings.

Full statement

Item 5: General Debate (4 July)
Special mandate holders fulfill a key role as the eyes and ears of the Council. Nevertheless, there has been a pattern of reprisals and non-cooperation by States, including the Philippines, Burundi, Eritrea, the Maldives, and Myanmar. In a joint statement, we urged the President of the Human Rights Council to immediately act when such reprisals occur.

Full statement

Item 6: Universal Periodic Review outcome of Vanuatu (4 July)
Franciscans International commended the Government of Vanuatu for accepting all recommendation relating to climate change made during its Universal Periodic Review (UPR). We further called on the Council to conduct a study to determine whether UPR recommendations have brought coherence and positive impacts on climate policy and action at the national level.

Full statement

Item 10: Interactive Dialogue on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (9 July 2019)
In December 2019, presidential elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo raised hopes for a break with the old system of governance. However, six months later, a new political stalemate looms ahead of local elections in September 2019. In a joint statement we called on the government to work with the United Nations’ MONUSCO mission to ensure the protection of civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law.

Full statement (French)

Panel on Women’s Rights and Climate Change (28 June 2019)
An analytical study by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights recently concluded that, while women play a key role in safeguarding traditional knowledge and practices that can protect the climate, they are often also disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change. During the examination of the study by the Council, we asked panelists for recommendations to ensure the full and equal participation of women in decision-making, planning, and implementation of climate policy.

Full statement

Throughout the 41st session of the Human Rights Council, we will organize and co-sponsor a number of side-events where experts and human rights defenders discuss key thematic and country specific issues.

#NoCasteLeftBehind: Dalit Women and Gender Justice
• 25 June 2019 • 14.30 – 15.30 • Room IX, Palais des Nations

Come join us in exploring why ending caste and gender discrimination is key to achieving the Global Goals and ensuring that no one is left behind.

This side-event aims to promote a conversation between Dalit women human rights defenders and UN experts about the practical means by which the UN human rights system can contribute to achieving SDG 5 for over a hundred million caste affected women. The panel format used at this event aims to enhance the participation of the audience, as well of the digital audience of the event.

A recording of the side event is available here.

Human Rights Situation of Migrants in Mexico and Central America
• 25 June 2019 • 15.30 – 16.30 • Room IX, Palais des Nations

In 2018, four waves of migrants brought renewed attention to the human rights situation in Central America. Although the causes driving this exodus were not new, people seeking refuge from violence and extreme poverty do so in a context that is increasingly hostile toward them and those trying to offer assistance – including human rights defenders.Cases of discrimination, violence, enforced disappearances, as well as violations of the right to claim asylum have been documented by several national and international organizations. Meanwhile, official policies dealing with migrants have become more aggressive, and now include mass deportations and family separation.

This side-event will provide an opportunity to discuss the most recent developments in Central America: human rights defenders and experts directly involved in providing support to migrants will share their experiences, and further explore the obligations of countries of origin, transit, and destination.

A recording of the side event is available here.

Climate change, poverty, and human rights
• 28 June 2019 • 9.30 – 10.30 • Room IX, Palais des Nations

Scientists and development actors agree that the consequences of climate change will disproportionately impact persons living in poverty and undermine decades of development as the planet continues to warm. During this side-event, panelists will explore solutions towards an effective integration of human rights into climate action to achieve poverty alleviation and sustainable development.Models that connect the dots between commitments on sustainable development, climate action and human rights will be discussed as government, United Nations, and civil society representatives share their experiences in developing, implementing, and supporting national climate change policies that are inclusive and in line with the ‘leave no one behind’ aspiration.

A recording of the side event is available here.

Integrating a human rights perspective in climate action
• 28 June 2019 • 12.00 – 13.00 • Room XV, Palais des Nations

During the 41st session of the Human Rights Council, the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights will present its analytical study on gender-responsive climate action for the full and effective enjoyment of the rights of women. This comes at a critical time in the implementation of the Paris Agreement, as States are required to submit new or updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) in 2020.

This side-event will provide a platform to discuss the impacts of climate change on the enjoyment of human rights, particularly of women, youth, minority groups, and indigenous communities. It will also explore the imperative to ensure that human rights are included in States’ climate policies and actions at all levels and reaffirm the crucial role of the Council in addressing and integrating a human rights perspective in climate change processes.

A recording of the side event is available here.
Women’s and girls’ rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: what future?
• 8 July 2019 • 12.00 – 13.00 • Room XXVII, Palais des Nations

Despite international attention to the issue of sexual violence in conflict, and some formal advances in the field of women’s rights, the situation of women and girls in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), particularly of those exposed to multiple factors of discrimination remains extremely concerning.

As the DRC opens a new chapter in its history and undergoes its 8th review by the CEDAW Committee, the rights of women and girls and their effective participation must be at the center of the new government’s priorities.This event will address issues affecting Congolese women and girls, including the impact of mining activities, gender-based and sexual violence, women’s participation in political and public life, the impact of armed violence on women, particularly in Kasaï and Ituri, as well as the situation of indigenous women.

A recording of the side event is available here.

We, the undersigned organisations, write with concern for the safety of refugees and asylum seekers in Sri Lanka in the wake of the Easter Sunday attacks.

Over 250 people were killed, and hundreds injured in the Easter Sunday attacks on April 21, 2019. We condemn these attacks and call upon the authorities in Sri Lanka to identify and prosecute the perpetrators and take steps to prevent further attacks.

The authorities in Sri Lanka should also take steps to maintain order and prevent retaliatory vigilante actions. Unfortunately, refugees and asylum seekers have been unfairly targeted and displaced after the attacks, with landlords under local pressure to evict them from their homes.

Sri Lanka has a history of providing sanctuary to South Asians and others fleeing persecution in their home countries. However, after the recent attacks, out of approximately 1,600 refugees and asylum seekers currently in Sri Lanka, about 1,200 people from Pakistan and Afghanistan, most of them identified as Muslims, have fled their homes due to the fear, threats and intimidation they experienced in their neighbourhoods. Additionally, refugees and asylum seekers from Iran also fear for their safety. There are also several Christians that have been displaced.

Some refugees and asylum seekers from Pakistan and Afghanistan have also experienced property damage, mob violence and threats.

Those who have fled their homes have, at present, found temporary shelter and protection with Sri Lankan law enforcement authorities and religious places of worship. We recognise and welcome these gestures to share spiritual and professional spaces in order to provide protection in times of crisis. Their future at these shelters however, is extremely insecure as they are not only at risk of being turned out of these spaces, they may be at risk of deportation.

The refugees and asylum seekers at risk include members from the Ahmadi and Christian communities from Pakistan, Shi’a Hazaras from Afghanistan, and refugees from Iran who fled religious ethnic and political persecution in their countries. Sri Lanka has provided refuge and hosted these communities while their cases are processed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Some others have had their claims rejected and there is concern that Sri Lanka may want to send them back. There is intense anti-Ahmadiyya violence and discriminatory laws in Pakistan, often exacerbated by the government’s pandering to groups using inflammatory language against the Ahmadis.  

In these circumstances we appeal to the government of Sri Lanka to:

  • Ensure that refugees and asylum seekers are not deported or otherwise forced to return to their countries of origin or any other place where their lives or freedoms would be at risk, which would represent a violation of the international legal principle of non-refoulement;
  • Deploy adequate law enforcement officers to ensure the protection and security of vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers, especially those who are now displaced, and provide basic humanitarian assistance including food, water, shelter, sanitation, and other social services in line with the minimum core content of their economic, social and cultural rights;
  • Urgently relocate the refugees sheltering in a police station and places of worship to appropriate locations with adequate sanitation, sleeping space, and security. Work with UNHCR to ensure the welfare of the many small children among the refugees;
  • Seek UNHCR assistance in managing settlements so that they are not de facto detention camps and make efforts to ensure their safety;
  • Clarify publicly that any attacks on these vulnerable groups will not be tolerated, and reiterate that these attacks will be investigated with the view of bringing perpetrators to justice;
  • Work with third countries who have already agreed to resettle some of the refugees to urgently expedite the settlement process.

We call upon the UNHCR to support the government in ensuring refugee protections. 


  • Amnesty International;
  • Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA);
  • Franciscans International;
  • Freedom from Torture;
  • Human Rights Watch;
  • International Commission of Jurists;
  • International Human Rights Committee;
  • International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR);
  • Medico international;
  • Minority Rights Group;
  • South Asians for Human Rights (SAHR);
  • Sri Lanka Advocacy in Germany;
  • The All Survivors Project;
  • The International Working Group on Sri Lanka;
  • The Sri Lanka Campaign, UK;
  • The US Counsel on Sri Lanka.


  • Bob Rae
    Professor, Munk School, University of Toronto,
    Senior Counsel,  OKT LLP Law FirmToronto

  • Jennifer M. Green
    Associate Professor
    Human Rights Clinic, University of Minnesota Law School
    United States of America
  • Judith Large
    Senior Research Fellow,
    The Conflict Analysis Research Centre, University of Kent
    United Kingdom
  • Malcolm Rodgers
    Former Head of International Affairs, the British Refugee Council
    United Kingdom
  • Mytili Bala
    Former Robert L. Bernstein International Human Rights Fellow
    United States of America